Useful Links:
- STFC - the Science and Technology Facilities Council
- ESA - the European Space Agency
- RAS - the Royal Astronomical Society (UK)
- UK CAN - UK Cosmochemical Network
- MIST - Magnetospheres Ionospheres and Solar-Terrestrial group
- Europlanet - Co-ordinates activities in Planetary Sciences in Europe
- Europlanet Outreach
- UKSEDS - UK Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
- British Interplanetary Society (BIS) - Space advocacy organisation supporting and promoting astronautics and space exploration
- ESF-IMPACT Scientific Programme - European Earth-Impact study programme (European Science Foundation)
- International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) - Technical Commissions and Working Groups
- Planetary Society (UK) - UK Planetary Volunteers wing of The Planetary Society
- UK Astrobiology Forum and Network - Astrobiology network and Forum for the British National Space Centre
- Astrobiology Society of Britain
- Sun Earth Plan - outreach website for solar and solar-terrestrial physics, planetary science and heliophysics
- NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)
- ISAS - Japanese Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science
- The Spaceguard Centre - The National Near Earth Objects Information Centre
Latest Mission News
For information on scientific discoveries and flight status of recent or ongoing missions, follow these links:
- Cassini/Huygens - Saturn orbiter and Titan probe (NASA/ESA)
- Galileo - to Jupiter and its moons (NASA, till Sept. 2003)
- Hubble Space Telescope - Earth-orbiting observatory (NASA)
- Odyssey - Mars orbiter, mapping surface chemistry/minerology (NASA)
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter - Mars orbiter, mapping surface chemistry/minerology(NASA)
- Ulysses - to Jupiter and the high-latitude heliosphere (ESA/NASA)
- Mars Express - ESA Orbiter/Lander Mission to Mars
- Hayabusa - asteroid Nereus lander and sample return
- Rosetta - orbiter and lander to Comet Wirtanen
- Chandrayaan-1 - India's first scientific mission to the Moon
- Stardust - flyby of Comet 81P/Wild 2 with dust sample return
- Dawn - mission to asteroid Vesta and Ceres
- SELENE - SELenological and ENgineering Explorer, a Japanese lunar orbiter mission (launch 2007)
- New Horizons - Pluto / Kuiper Belt Mission
- Venus Express - Venus atmosphere mission (ESA)
- Deep Space One - asteroid 1992 KD, Mars and possible comet flyby (mission completed)
- Lunar Prospector - Moon orbiter (NASA, completed)
- Mars Pathfinder - Mars lander mission (NASA, completed)
- NEAR - to asteroids Mathilde and Eros (NASA, completed)
- Voyagers 1 & 2 - to the outer planets and beyond (NASA, continuing)
- Deep Space Two - Mars Surface-Penetrating Microprobes (lost Dec. 1999)
- Mars Climate Orbiter - NASA Martian Orbiter (lost Nov. 1999)
- Mars Polar Lander - Lander to Martian polar region (lost Dec. 1999)
- Beagle 2 - British Surface Science and Exobiology Mars lander (lost Dec. 2003)
- Mars Global Surveyor - Mars mapping mission (NASA) (lost Nov. 2006)
Future Missions
- ExoMars - Robotic exploration of Mars
- CHEOPS (CHaracterizing ExOPlanet Satellite) - Ultrahigh precision photometry of exoplanetary transits
- Solar Orbiter - ESA mission dedicated to solar and heliospheric physics
- JUICE - JUpiter ICy moons Explorer
- Euclid - ESA mission to map the geometry of the dark Universe